Paul, K.T, A. Pichelstorfer, N. Hansl, M. Martin, P.M. Pucker, D. Zhikharevich (2024, in press) “I can’t see the forest for the ticks, uhm, trees …”: The role of online forums in parents’ vaccination trajectories. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 357, pp. XX.
Druglitrø, T., Paul, K. T. and Pichelstorfer, A. (2024) “Tracing data flows in Norway and Austria: A Comparative Study of Vaccination Data Governance”, Science & Technology Studies. doi: 10.23987/sts.12025
Radhuber I, Haddad C, Kieslich K, Paul KT, Prainsack B, El-Sayed S et al. (2024) Citizenship in times of crisis: biosocial state–citizen relations during COVID‑19 in Austria. BioSocieties Vol 26, issue 19, pp. 326-351
Zimmermann, B.M., K.T. Paul, et al. (2023) The social and socio political embeddedness of COVID-19 vaccination decision-making: A five-country qualitative interview study from Europe, Vaccine, Volume 41, Issue 12, pp. 2084-2092,
Attwell, K., M. Rizzi & K.T. Paul (2022) Consolidating a Research Agenda for Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Vol 40l, issue 51, pp. 7353-7359.
(2022) Institutionalized ignorance in policy and regulation, Science as Culture, Vol 31, issue 4, pp. 419–432.
Paul, K.T. & C. Haddad (2022) The Pandemic As We Know It: A policy studies perspective on ignorance and nonknowledge in COVID-19 governance, in McGoey, L. & M. Gross (eds.) Routledge International Handbook Of Ignorance Studies, p.221-233. (Open access).
Walcherberger, C. , J.-M. Eberl, J. Partheymüller, K.T. Paul, & T.A. Stamm (2022) COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and gender. European Journal of Politics and Gender Vol 5, issue 2, pp. 270–274
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Pichelstorfer, A. & K.T. Paul (2022) Unpacking the Role of Metrics in Global Vaccination Governance. International Political Sociology Vol 16, issue 2, olab031.
Paul, K.T., B. Zimmermann et al (2021) Anticipating hopes, fears and expectations towards COVID-19 vaccines: A qualitative interview study in seven European countries, Social Science & Medicine Qualitative Methods (online first).
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Paul, K.T., A. Janny & K. Riesinger (2021) Austria’s Digital Vaccination Registry: Stakeholder Views and Implications for Governance. Vaccines, 9(12), 1495
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Paul, K. & Haddad, C. (2019). Beyond evidence vs. truthiness: Towards a symmetrical approach to knowledge and ignorance in policy studies. Policy Sciences , 52(2), 299–314.
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Paul, K.T. (2018). Collective Organization of Discourse Expertise using Information Technology – CODE IT! A citizen science case study of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination debate. IT- Information Technology, 60(1), 21-27.
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Paul, K. T. (2009). Discourse analysis: an exploration of methodological issues and a call for methodological courage in the field of policy analysis. Critical Policy Studies, 3(2), 240 – 253.
Paul, K. T. (2008). Thought for Food (Safety) in the EU: A discourse – analytical approach. GARNET Working Paper series 38/08.
Paul, K. T. (2007). Food for Thought: Change and Continuity in German Food Safety Policy. Critical Policy Analysis, 1(1), 18-32.
Non-peer reviewed:
Heigl, F., Kieslinger, B., Paul, K.T., Uhlik, J. & Dörler, D. (2019). Opinion: Toward an international definition of citizen science. PNAS, April 23, 2019, 116(17), 8089-8092.
Heigl, F., Kieslinger, B., Paul, K.T., Uhlik, J. & Dörler, D. (2019). Reply to Auerbach et al.: How our Opinion piece invites collaboration. PNAS, July 30, 2019, 116(31), 15338.
Paul, K.T. (2010). Buchbesprechung: Steuerung von Wissenschaft? Die Governance des österreichischen Innovationssystems, Innsbruck/Wien 2010, StudienVerlag [Book review]. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 39(4), 485-486.