

I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and Research Platform “Governance of Digital Practices“. I obtained my PhD in Social and Political Sciences at the University of Amsterdam in 2009 and joined Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2010 as Assistant Professor of comparative health policy.

In March 2013, I joined the University of Vienna (Department of Political Science/Life Science Governance Group). In June 2021, I was awarded a START Prize by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and now work with a brilliant team on this project (“Valuing Vaccination“).

I teach undergraduate courses on social science methodology as well as graduate courses on health policy and qualitative methods. I am an editorial board member of the Journal of Health Economics Policy and Law and at Critical Policy Studies

University of Vienna
Department of Political Science
Kolingasse 14-16
1010 Vienna

Phone: +431 4277 49438

email: katharina.t.paul (at) univie.ac.at

all content © 2017 by Dr. Katharina T. Paul

Medieninhaber, Herausgeber, Hersteller und Redaktion:
Dr. Katharina T. Paul, Universitätsstrasse 7, A-1010 Wien
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Informationen über die wissenschaftliche Arbeit von Dr. Katharina T. Paul